Okey Sheilas...
If you have a goal, you need to decide to just do it.
Once you decide, you will automatically begin to strive for your goal.

  • Dont say you want, you think... tell me you already are. For example, I am a dancer, I am a singer and so on. Fake it till you make it!!
  • Thinking and awareness are causing your behaviour and attitude. Your behaviour and attitude cause unwanted results you are presently getting. Negative ideas are destructive. Theyre holding you back. Replace your negative habits by positive ones. What are your habits? Which ones would you like to change?
  • To be successful in replacing negative habits with positive ones, you must have a good reason. That good reason is a goal. make sure you fall in love with you goal. It has to be very important to you.
  • "Do the thing and you will get the energy to do the thing".    

    A long time ago, since childhood, I wanted to shoot. I was always behind the camera to partys, dinners, etc. in everyday life. But we are all human beings going through a period where we are doing something else, such as teens take much time and sacrificing their time for friends and silly things you know.
    Deep down, I am a photographer. I do not need to be trained photographer to call myself a photographer. I know how to put a great pic right!? Should be enough.
    I know my ideas and how I want the image to be. Simple as it sounds! I am creative and want to get a lot of reality in order to allow others to see it and give me some sort of criticism, because that is what we need to actually continue what we are doing. Am I right?
    If I want my life to look like in a way, then I create the life I want.
    If I want my wardrobe to look like in a way, then I create that closet.
    It's so easy guys! Don't wait and just do it!! I know a supercool website that you can join in, which may seem a little boring at first, but it is so effective. There are videos by Bob Proctor, Life Coach, who is really good and knows what he's talking about. I was once at the Hotel Sheraton in Stockholm to see Paul Martinelli (a man whos working with Bob) just talking about goals in life. It gave me an incredible inspiration. My whole life changed for a short time. I quit smoking, I changed my habits completely, which can be the hardest thing a human can do. Give it a chance and go into Do what you want in your life! And I'd love to answer your questions if youre wondering 'bout somthing. Just email me or drop a comment.

    My awesome teacher at this cours wrote;

    Hi Carolyn!

    I think you're totally awesome! What a woman! I have seen your progress, and just enjoyed ... because I've still not done anything ... it's you who does it all by yourself. One can only lead the horse to water, as they say ... all do not drink, but you have had a thirst, and enough sense to understand that rely on this particular watering hole is not toxic, that anyone who does not want to be fooled
    mm so on.

    Thank you for being so kind to yourself.
    Thank you for being such a great role model for your colleagues, friends, family ... You will just go on forever!

    I'm sitting here with a huge smile in my face and tears in my eyes!
    Thank you for being there. And thanks for that, I learned a lot from you!

    Hi Carolyn!
    Now I have read you mail again and I am impressed again... you write so well, Carolyn... victim, so to speak!! I do not know if I had time to say it during the course - that when you decide to change, it can be good with one thing at a time ... :) You have now discovered this myself. And you know exactly what to do now to meet your goals. You have received the reward, and you have continued to take the decision and again and again ... this is what it is about - to continue to make decisions that support a self at all times.

    Hi Anne!
    I would like to write back and talk to Carolyn, her letter blew me away. Thank you /Stefan (the guy who spoke before Mr. Martinelli at the Hotel)



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